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What Chainsaw Man is About | The Worst Anime I've Ever Seen

Chainsaw Man is a popular anime series adapted from the manga of the same name, written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of  Denji, a young man who merges with his pet devil, Pochita, to become the titular Chainsaw Man. The anime, produced by MAPPA, has garnered significant attention, but not all of it positive. In this article, I will delve into the plot, criticize its execution, and address common questions about the series. 

Chainsaw Man

Plot Summary

The story of Chainsaw Man revolves around Denji, a downtrodden teenager saddled with his deceased father's massive debt. Living in extreme poverty, he works as a devil hunter to repay the yakuza. One day, Denji is betrayed and killed by the yakuza, who have made a pact with a devil. In his final moments, Denji merges with his chainsaw devil pet, Pochita, and is resurrected as a powerful hybrid known as Chainsaw Man. Now equipped with chainsaws emerging from his arms and head, he joins a governmental devil-hunting organization to fight against other devils and seek a better life.

 anime rate on MyAnimeList 8.72

Critique of the Anime

  1. While the premise of Chainsaw Man is intriguing, its execution leaves much to be desired. Here are some key criticisms:Shallow Character Development: Many characters in Chainsaw Man lack depth. While Denji’s struggles are compelling initially, his motivations and growth are often overshadowed by gratuitous violence and fan service. Power, another central character, is introduced with potential but quickly becomes a one-dimensional comic relief .
  2. Over-the-Top Violence: The excessive gore and brutality in Chainsaw Man can be off-putting. While it might appeal to some, it often feels unnecessary and detracts from the story. The reliance on shock value rather than solid storytelling is a significant flaw 
  3.  Inconsistent Pacing: The anime suffers from inconsistent pacing, with some episodes dragging on while others rush through critical plot points. This inconsistency makes it difficult to stay engaged with the story and diminishes the impact of key events.

  4. Unoriginal Themes: The themes of poverty, betrayal, and the quest for a better life are not new. Chainsaw Man fails to offer a fresh perspective on these themes, making it feel like a rehash of familiar tropes seen in other anime.

 Is Chainsaw Man a Dirty Anime?

Many viewers have labeled Chainsaw Man as "dirty" due to its graphic content and mature themes. The anime includes intense violence, gore, and sexual content, making it unsuitable for younger audiences. Its portrayal of brutality and explicit scenes can be seen as distasteful by some, contributing to its controversial reputation.

 Why Chainsaw Man Stopped

The anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man has not stopped permanently. The first season concluded, and fans are eagerly awaiting the continuation. The hiatus between seasons is not unusual for anime adaptations, as it allows time for production and ensures the source material is adequately covered.

 Will Chainsaw Man Season 2 Come?

Yes, a second season of Chainsaw Man is highly anticipated. Given the popularity of the series and the unresolved plot points from the first season, it is expected that the anime will continue to adapt the remaining manga chapters.

 Are Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen Similar?

While Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen share some similarities, such as their supernatural elements and dark themes, they are distinct in their storytelling and character development. Jujutsu Kaisen tends to have more nuanced character arcs and a balanced approach to action and plot, whereas Chainsaw Man leans heavily on shock value and intense action sequences.

What is Chainsaw Man About?

Chainsaw Man is about Denji, a young devil hunter who becomes a devil-human hybrid with chainsaw powers. The series explores his battles against devils, his quest for a better life, and his interactions with other devil hunters.

Who Animated Chainsaw Man?

The anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man was animated by MAPPA, a studio known for its high-quality productions such as Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen. The Chainsaw Man art style is distinctive and detailed, contributing to the anime's intense and gritty atmosphere.

Why Chainsaw Man is Popular

Despite its flaws, Chainsaw Man has gained popularity due to its unique concept, intense action scenes, and the intriguing world it portrays. The combination of horror, action, and dark comedy appeals to a broad audience, making it a notable entry in the anime landscape.


In conclusion, while Chainsaw Man has its moments of brilliance, it ultimately falls short due to shallow character development, excessive violence, and inconsistent pacing. While it has garnered a large fanbase, it remains a contentious series with polarizing opinions. Whether you enjoy it or not will largely depend on your tolerance for graphic content and your preference for storytelling depth. If you're looking for an anime with more substance and balanced storytelling, you might want to explore other options like Slice of Life Anime or isekai anime before diving into Chainsaw Man.
